"Artists need to learn to change the dynamics. These guys forget that the power is in their hands and the ball in their court.
There is no label without the artists and there is no industry without artists, which means you have what the label heads want and need to keep a lucrative business. If you're really a dope artist and you take the time to determine that you have that power, then your success is as far as you would like to take it.
I'm sorry but a lot of you "musicians" put little effort into your craft...and yes that means more than just songs.
Your image has to be right, stage presence & performance has to be on point and your media etiquette has to be polished (that regards interviews, being in the public eye).
A lot of the up and coming don't realize that they can end up getting signed and sit on a label shelf.
Finding themselves in the position where they're doing the same things they could've done as an indie, except now you're contractually obligated so the label gets a cut of the money you're already "not really making" lol.
Your Brand = your image. It's your way of doing things, your style, your "swagger (lol), your message, your notoriety.
Simple and Plain, when someone sees a certain style of dress, do they associate it to you? or when you have a conversation with your friends about whether Jay-Z would do a song with Soulja Boy or not and someone says "no", that's because Jay has built a brand of excellence (not to knock Soulja Boy). You understand that Jay only presents himself as being someone of high-quality in all aspects of his life.
All of that attributes to your brand. How do you want people (the consumer) to perceive you?As an indie artist, impression is everything...you have to pay attention to detail and you have to realize that you can't cut corners on everything. You have to be willing to invest in yourself or at the very least link up with someone who can do so. Quality attributes to your brand....What are u going think of an artist who hands you a CD with their info written in permanent marker as opposed to an artist who hands you a packaged CD or at the very least one with a printed label?
You're going to take the presentable package more seriously or even more so think that they have money behind them or are important and you pay more attention.
Ya'll gotta realize that as indies, we're not competing against people in our neighborhoods or our cities or even states. EVERYBODY IS A MUSICIAN NOW A DAYS and to make it, you have to consider yourself to be up against the top in your field.
If the person at the #1 spot is doing it, you have to be doing it better.. (I mean business wise not necessarily their style/genre of music)
#1 Rule of advice...STUDY YOUR CRAFT! That's what's gonna separate real artists from the muhf*ckers who just "do" music just to do so. Your awareness of your craft is a big part of what determines whether or not u get into the game and how long your career lasts as well as how well of a position you're in when you enter the game (contractually).
If you don't do your research then you better make sure you have a GREAT team around you and that you trust the hell outta them otherwise you will get pimped..."